Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Childhood Diabetes 'May be Animal-Linked'

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Young children
Diabetes in children could be triggered by an unknown infection carried by wild animals, according to new research.
Cases of type 1 diabetes - the more severe form of the disease that is treated by regular injections of insulin - peak at certain times of the year and can occur in 'mini-epidemics', scientists at Newcastle University found.
Dr Richard McNally, Reader in Epidemiology at the university said the cyclical pattern of diabetes is similar to chicken pox or flu, reports Sky News.
He said an infectious agent carried by a wild animal could trigger diabetes in children who are already genetically predisposed to the condition.
"We don't want to cause parents undue concern, but it is important that we explore this as it opens up new avenues for research and may provide a new way to prevent the condition even starting," he said.
The researchers analysed disease patterns in 468 diabetic children living in the North East of England.
Results published in the journal PLOS ONE showed there were more cases over short bursts lasting a few months, just as there would be with a viral disease.
And there was also a rise in cases in the winter months, which could be because a bug is more easily spread between people, or from wild animals to people, in colder weather.
Previous research by the Newcastle team has shown there is a peak in new diabetes cases every six years in the region.
The scientists are looking to recruit diabetic children in the North West of England to continue the research.

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